The Central Universe LORE

Welcome to the Official Central Universe lore site, this site holds all the archives of the official lore for characters, places, items, etc. Here you can read all the lore for your favorite characters, or learn more about the lore overall!

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Character Lore Archives

Here are the official Character Lore Archives! Please 'Click' on a characters profile to view their lore & position they hold in The Central

Notes:- The Central Creator does not have an official birth name yet, the [REDACTED]s are where his name would be.

Gender: MALERelationship: NONEAge: REDACTED

Clearance LvL: Level 10
Office Number: #001
Job Description:
'The Creator of The Central, makes sure everything is running and operating properly while keeping an eye on the staff team.'

Personal Augments:
- Flight Assist Thrusters
- Scanner In Left Eye
- Wrist Digital Terminal
- Filter Located in Throat
- Nanites to control Body temp
- Ability to coordinate portals
- Radious Zap, Disperse electrical field around himself.

Central Creator

Chapter #1

[REDACTED] was born on Avalon as a child, him and his parent went onto another planet roughly 2.3million light years away from Avalon. [REDACTED] was on this new planet for most of him life, growing up and meeting new Avalis throughout his life. But once, on a day stormy and in the afternoon, [REDACTED] got to meet a somewhat idle of his, growing up. His name was Dr. Eistan, who was at the time the most well-known scientist within the community [REDACTED] grew up in, but on this day, he got to meet him and get to see some of the cool stuff he worked on most of his time. Which his main project he was working on was the built-in component of making portals where he wishes. When [REDACTED] got to meet him, he was shown a recorded simulation on how this was supposed to work, the component and how it's supposed to but in and operate. But [REDACTED] noticed a flow in his simulation which he took matter into his own hands and keep that information away from Dr. Eistan because he wanted to impress him.Once [REDACTED] got home, he immediately got to work on making his own and to fix the flow in Dr. Eistan's work hoping to impress him. Some nights turn into weeks, which into months of hard work and coding, testing, failed attempts. But he finally did it, he got it to work an even got to experience it himself. But after he finished, he immediately scheduled an interview with Dr. Eistan to show him his work, but.. to find out, [REDACTED] was so focused on working on making his project work. He didn't notice that Dr. Eistan was in a nearly killed due to a failed experiment within his lab, making him no longer able to work on his projects for years.[REDACTED] Grew upset, and felt he no longer has a purpose with this project that he dedicated on working on it. So, he threw his work into a storage box and forgot about it. Weeks go past with the news about Dr. Eistan drilling into [REDACTED]s head. He finally realized, he shouldn't throw the project away, but to fulfill Dr. Estan's dream and project, an brought it to reality. So, he did, later that day he showed the Avalis in the community. An everyone was shocked and proud and was excited to see what else [REDACTED] would work on. [REDACTED] took this opportunity to become a well-known scientist, engineer, and just experience the life Dr. Eistan did, and be in his shoes of his life.Years go past, [REDACTED] has created a lot of technology throughout his life here on this planet, but [REDACTED] wanted to do more than just make simple inventions, so he came up with the idea of wanting to make a massive, habitable space station, within the galaxy. So, he partnered up with some of his friends, a big space traveling company. An got to work, 15 years go past, lots of construction and failed shipments go by. And for the moment he has been waiting for, he goes to the Generator Bays of what is being called 'The Central' to finally, power on his life committed creation. He powers up the 4 generators, with sync crystals and watches everyone, come to life! The people he worked work all came through the radios they had, informing [REDACTED] everyone is on, and running![REDACTED] was really excited for this, as this is the moment, he has been waiting for all his life. He went back to the planet he grew up on, to surprise everyone. He got most of the population to come to The Central, and had they settle down in their sleeping quarters. Offered jobs Avalis and practically started a society within his space station! As time goes past, slowly still developing, engineering stuff with all the new scientists and engineers that came aboard. The Central has had massive numbers of visits from other planets as well as Humans.But [REDACTED] grew tired of flying around The Central most of his time. So he developed a way to assist with that, by implementing a Flight Assist Component within his ankles to fly around The Central in ease. As well as creating a working Wrist Terminal within his actual arm. He has now become the well known, Central Creator, having his own face in a portrait, his own office, an runs The Central to this day.[END OF DATABASE. . . ]


Gender: MALERelationship: NONEAge: REDACTED

Clearance LvL: Level 9
Office Number: #031
Job Description:
'The Lead over the Security Engineering sector. The creator of the new Security Droids. Makes Weapons, Security Tech, and Codes.'

Personal Augments:
- Cybernetic Limb Panels due to injuries.


Chapter #1

Synru grew up alongside the Central Creator on Avalon. He then went with Central Creator's family to the new planet that they moved to, where The Central was started. Synru had a love for technical things and engineering, so throughout Synru's life he would sit in his room tinkering with tech all day. Throughout his life, he would meet well known engineers an get inspiration from their technology. During his time on the new planet, him and Central Creator moved to in their childhoods, he tried making a lot of stuff, with some succeeding but most failing. This wouldn't stop him an his dreams to becoming an expert at Technical Engineering. In his spare time he would hangout with Central Creator talking about future opportunities as well as assist him on his own projects he was working on.Synru one day was able to successfully make a basic droid in his room, it would follow his own verbal commands, as well as work under its own ai and coding. During the making of this he was able to meet Central Creator's idle, Dr. Eistan a week or so after Central Creator got to meet him. With him not responding to Synru, he got a little worried but just assumed he was working on his own projects.During Synru's visit with Dr. Eistan, he got to see what he was working on and be in on experiencing some experiments. He was working on an augment to be able to coordinate portals, which Central Creator mentioned to Synru the day after he got to meet Dr. Eistan. But during Synru's visit to Dr. Eistan something bad happened. During one of Dr. Eistan's tests, the augment malfunctioned and caused an experiment fail, the augment which was mounted on a podium in the middle of a test chamber. Since Dr. Eistan wasn't certain it was ready for a host connection, he tested it in the middle of the room. During this experiment malfunction, the Augment failed to coordinate properly and ended up exploding within the test chamber.Dr. Eistan was in a vulnerable part of the chamber, an was heavily affected by the explosion. Synru was struck by some debris and metal pieces, causing him to fall over an become unconscious after the explosion. Synru later woke up in a medical sector barley making it out alive, with his injuries.Synru was left in the hospital for couple days while Central Creator, cluelessly works on his project that he wanted to impress Dr. Eistan with. After some time, Synru gets released from the hospital an the news about Dr. Eistan's near death experience floods the city. Later Central Creator hearing about it.After being released from the hospital, he went to Central Creator an see how he was doing with the news. Upon arriving, he sees Central Creator sitting in an empty room, with all of his projects an stuff stored away due to the death of his idle. Synru gives him sometime alone, later giving him advise that he should give up on his projects and he should thrive and make Dr. Eistan proud an continue his legacy.So Central Creator takes his word, and continues working on the Portal Coordinate Augment that Dr. Eistan was also working on. After some time, is when Central Creator pitches the idea of 'The Central' to Synru. In which Synru agrees an helps with whatever he can an gathering some of his buddies to help on this massive project.Years go past, as Synru stands in the Generator Bays with Central Creator, doing some final status checks on the systems an coding. He gives Central Creator the green light to power up the 4 Generators with the Sync Crystals. Synru gets nervous while the generators power up, then all the lights an systems turn on around him an Central Creator.Both Synru and Central Creator gets excited and watched Central Creator stare at the radio as everyone else notifies him that everything is up and running, with no reported issues.[END OF DATABASE. . . ]

- Sirisai - ('see-rehs-aye')

Gender: FEMALERelationship: NONEAge: REDACTED

Clearance LvL: Level 2
Office Number: #214
Job Description:
'Conducts Experiments, with minimal clearance'


Chapter #1

Fallstern was born on Sirisai with her and her family living in a medium sized Avali settlement. Throughout Fallstern's childhood, her father was a scientist within the settlement. She got to see a lot of cool stuff made for the settlement all because of Fallstern's father. Due to her father, she wanted to grow up like him and become a scientist herself and be able to conduct experiments, make cool formulas and explore places. Fallstern would ask to tag along with her father all the time, with some moments of him not letting her. But he would always let her come with him to work and see what he does in his lab.After a couple years, she enlists in a education system to learn more about being a scientist like her father. She dedicated most of her life to scientist activities an wanted to really become her father while growing up. During Fallstern's time in the education system, she learned a lot an got to do basic experiments alongside some friends she made along the way.Once she was done with the education system she enlisted in after a couple more years. She stumbles across a hologram poster in her city. Displaying stuff about a space station called The Central, that was lightyears away from her. But she noticed a part of the poster mentioning the ability to be hired there under stuff such as being a scientist at The Central.She settled on going there, so she packed up stuff and hopped on the closest Globemaster Ship to The Central. After some time, she arrives at the massive space station known as The Central. She is amazed at the site of this space station, seeing all the ships flying in an out of its landing sectors. The giant Exterior Defense System guns surrounding The Central. Upon getting closer she hears the Pilot's Comms activate an they schedule where they'll be landingOnce the ship has landed, an they were cleared to exist the vessel Fallstern steps out and admires the interior of the space station, though it may just be the Landing Sector. It still was massive and had a lot of activity. Once Fallstern was fully off the vessel, she started walking towards the checkpoint before entering the full station. While walking towards it, she hears the vessel she arrived on, power up and take off out of the landing sector.She gets cleared through the checkpoint after being scanned by a Security Droid and talking to a Security Officer at the checkpoint. After getting through, she looks around the inside of The Central, an look for the Sleeping Quarters to settle her luggage in. Once she found a place to stay in, Fallstern asks a Security Droid where the Scientist Sector was, as she had a meeting with the Lead Scientist-SINCO.Once she got the directions, she approaches the scientist sector, and is face to face with the Lead Scientist Sinco. They talk for a while, so they get to know each other while Sinco tests Fallstern to see if she'll make it in the team here at The Central. After a couple hours of chatting, tests, and learning about each other. Sinco sees her fit to work here at the Scientist Sector in The Central. An proceeds to hand her a Scientist Trench coat, an told her to come in tomorrow for her first day.Fallstern excitedly shakes his hand, and leaves to go back to her sleeping quarters an get ready for the days ahead of her here at The Central.[END OF DATABASE. . .]


Gender: MALERelationship: NONEAge: REDACTED

Clearance LvL: Level 4
Office Number: #621
Job Description:
'Helps Run the medical department, approves certain operations.'

Dr. Cutter



Gender: MALERelationship: NONEAge: REDACTED

Clearance LvL: Level 5
Office Number: #274
Job Description:
'Runs the Scientist Department, and takes lead in most important experiments.'




Gender: MALERelationship: NONEAge: REDACTED

- Scientist
- Previously a doctor
- Technical Engineer

Personal Augments:
- Left Arm Cybernetics
- Left Leg Cybernetics
- Left Eye Cybernetic
- Scanner Augment
- Ability to Coordinate Portals

Dr. Eistan

Chapter #1

Dr. Eistan was born on the same planet that Central Creator moved to as a child. Eistan grew up in a semi-rich household within the city he grew up in. Eistan had a big passion for helping people throughout his entire life. So he took interest in becoming a doctor for the city he lives in.Eistan enlisted in the most expensive medical schooling available within the city. He went there for 3 years to become medically certified for a lot of operations and basic medical needs. This was just his first step in wanting to help people though, he later in his life became a scientist for the city, to help make and discover new medical medicines for everyone to use.After a couple years being a scientist, he also took in the ability of Technical Engineering. He took this big step to be able to combine all the knowledge he knew from his Medical Schooling & the time he had as a scientist. To be able to make new equipment, supplies, tests, procedures, and a bunch of other stuff to truly fulfill his dreams of helping everyone he knew and loved, and the people around him.Once Eistan felt satisfied with the help he has brought to everyone around him, he decided to focus on important solo projects. That would only target specific set of people such as Eistan. After a couple weeks of thinking and planning, he settled on making an augment that had the ability to coordinate portals wherever the host wished. He thought making this would help people with traveling, help the military, and for moving stuff. Little did Eistan know, this project would heavily impact his life both negatively and greatly.Eistan would spend countless of days making this augment, coding it, testing it, an remaking it over and over again. After some time Eistan felt he was ready to test his 8th version of the augment but wasn't comfortable yet having it be connected and used via a host yet. So he setup a test within one of his testing chambers within his facility, known as 'Facility-13EI' within the city he lives in.Before he started this test, one of his assistances told him that one of his scheduled meetings was coming up, with Mr. Synru that day. So Eistan told them to let him in. Eistan showed Synru around for an hour or so, then offered him the ability to come see his current project regarding the augment. So he showed him to the test chamber that it was being held in prior to Synru arriving.Eistan told Synru to stand within the lower viewing station in the test chamber and started conducting the test for the augment. Once he had it all setup he went to his computer and initiated the first test, but as he started it. The systems started flashing errors and started beeping, Eistan turned over to see what was being displayed an saw errors for stuff that seemed to make no sense. Eistan turned to look at the augment, and witnessed it malfunctioned and exploded at the stand it was mounted on.Which caused Eistan to fly back and get injured on impact, as well as a bunch of debris, metal supports, an pieces of his equipment land near him and on him. Causing him to lose 2 parts of his Left leg and Left arm. As well as losing his Left eye from his injuries, an leaving him with scared on his face and other arm from the debris. Leaving Eistan hospitalized for weeks, and unable to work for a year or so.Eistan once released from the hospital, was determined to work again so he worked with a couple other employees of his to make him cybernetic replacements for his arm and leg. As well as make a scanner eye for his missing left eye. This process took months to finalize and make him ready to continue his work.[END OF DATABASE. . .]

Gender: FEMALERelationship: NONEAge: REDACTED

Clearance LvL: Level 5
Office Number: #612
Job Description:
'Makes sure all of the Medical Team is operating correctly with no errors.'

Dr. Garder


Gender: MALERelationship: NONEAge: REDACTED

Position: ENGINEER
Clearance LvL: Level 5
Office Number: #173
Job Description:
'Assists with equipment making & repairs around The Central.'



Place/Scene Lore Archives

Here are the official Places/Scenes Lore Archives! Please 'Click' on the profiles below, to view the lore for the different type of places.

The Central

The Central, a space station that sits in the 4th quadrant of our galaxy. Located lightyears away from any planet. The Central was created back in [REDACTED] time an the first ever Central Creator was an Avali by the name of [REDACTED].The main functionality of The Central back in [REDACTED] was to be a central HQ within that galaxy for Avalis to land, rest, purchase things, as well as work or live there for long periods of time. Throughout the Centuries The Central has changed in design numerus times, but what we currently in design right now contains, constant running power grid that is globed around The Central for all Avalis to use as well as keep The Central operating. The generators located in the lower Maintenace sector of The Central contain high counts of SYNC CRYSTALS, that is designed to keep generating with what is hopefully currently designed to produce nearly Infinite Power. This power is used to keep our Lights on, Security Systems up and running as well as exterior defenses primed and ready for anything. But to also power Avali homes within The Central.The central consists of having 2 Security Rooms, 3 Sleeping Sectors containing 20 Sleeping Quarters per Sector which can contain at the most of 5 avalis per quarter, 2 Command Centers, 4 actively running Generator Bays with also having 2 Maintenace Sectors. 4 Exterior Defense Systems, 2 Shop Sectors that contain 35 Spots to setup shop per sector, an 5 Med bays placed around The Central.[END OF DATABASE - . . . . . .]

Power Source: Sync Crystal Generators on site.
Location: Planet TBD
Employees On Site:
- Dr. Cutter

Site Operations:
- Dig up materials.
- Perform test on new flora an fauna.
- Setup small settlement



Power Source: City Power & On site sources
Property Owner: Dr. Eistan
Location: Planet TBD
Employees In Facility:
- Dr. Eistan



Items & Technology Lore Archives

Here are the official Items/Technology Lore Archives! Please 'Click' on the profiles below, to view the lore for the different type of places.

Power Source: The Central Security Generator
- Scan lifeforms
- Immobilize Lifeforms
- Attached Railgun

Flight- 2x Propeller & Interior Gyroscope to assist in manual or automatic flight.
Lights- 2x Spotlights used during night time.
Antenna- Connect to The Central Security Network and Generator.

Security Drones

The Central has been using traditional Security Drones since the first opening of The Central. They operate of 2 Propeller systems as well as one thruster system while containing a Gyroscope within the structure of the drones. These drones can either be piloted by a Security Officer located in a Security Room or a Security Droid can remotely access it while being in a certain range between each other. Security Drones can also be tasked to simply doing things around The Central upon command.These drones will scan Avalis or other Lifeforms that happen to be aboard of The Central at the time, for any contraband and illegal weapons in hand that are not permitted within The Central while roaming around, it is required to either
These drones are powered and charged 24/7 with our remote charging field placed around The Central for Security permitted Devices, Equipment, Tools, and Drones/Droids located around The Central.[END OF DATABASE - . . . . .]

Power Source: The Central Security Generator.
- Scan lifeforms
- Galactical Background Checks
- Immobilize Lifeforms
- Flight
- 72hr Battery Life

Antennas- Connect to the Security Network, Database, and Charger.
Wings- Wings are made of Triple Layered Titanium, acts as a shield.
Body- Can withstand multiple Railgun Shots, and protected by Human Bullets.

Security Droids

The Central has recently designed and programmed a new security system for higher security risks / more possibilities. Our engineers while working aside our Head of Central Security officer, have been working on this system for 10+ years in the dark, and finally have finalized and have the new Security Droids up and running patrolling around The Central 24/7.These droids are capable of withstanding normal weapons / firearms in normal situations, as well as easily survive the weapons that the 'Human' species withhold down in the 2nd Quadrant on a planet known as 'Earth', we have some connections with these Humans, as we have wandering humans come by The Central on a common basis.These brand-new Security Droids are equipped with Metal Plated wings, for easy protection against ranged and melee weapons. 2 Large Antennas located on the skull to receive transmissions as well as keep within the Security Network and always stay charged, if The Central is to lose power at any time, these droids can last up to 72 Hours without being charged till they will power off till receiving more power. These droids are built with scanners within the right eyeball that can scan an entity and gather any information, x-ray scan for anything within the entity or behind. An to scan for any Galactic Criminal Records throughout our other Stations / Outposts in other quadrants.The Droids are also equipped with a hand-held Stun/Taser Gun and Stun Stick, as well as wearing an Upper Chest vest to protect the important components within that section of the droids. They are also designed to stun / zap an entity that gets too close to the Antennas or the Taser Holster.[END OF DATABASE - . . . . .]


Portal Augment


- Power Surge the tip of the spear.
- Can only be wielded by the Central Creator

Forged of 100% Pure Gold, With unknown green crystal formed into the tip of the spear, as well as throughout the spear for design.

Central Creator's Spear


Log Archives

Here are the official Log Archives! Please 'Click' on the profiles below, to view the lore for the different type of places.

Clipboard Archives

Click the pages, to open the full image for translating.

Voice Log Archives

All voice logs are translated into a close Human English variant of the characters, these are not the official voices of the characters.

Its AI TTS, so Yes. you can make fun of the voices lol

Radio Communicaton
Voice Log #1

Voice Log Description:
'Fallstern Arrival to The Central.
The Pilot's communication log with The Central, while landing with Fallstern Aboard.'

- Communcations Systems, Online. Connecting to Vessel=Globemaster-613ZY -

#1 | The Central, Landing Coordinator:
"Welcome Globemaster-613ZY, you are already registered, please land your vessel on LZ-#193, south side.

#2 | Globemaster-613ZY, Pilot
"Copy, adjusting vessel for LZ-193, Globemaster-613ZY Approaching, south side."

- Systems Detect Landing, on LZ-193 -

#3 | Globemaster-613ZY, Pilot
"Globemaster-613ZY has touched down, LZ-193 safely. Powering down to allow departure of passengers."

#4 | The Central, Landing Coordinator:
"Copy that, Globemaster-613ZY. Upon full departure of passengers, you are clear to depart, from the south side Landing Sector, and have a safe flight. The Central, over.

- End of Transmission -